Tender neo-classical piano pieces as gentle as
snowfall and as light as a feather on the breeze

New Original Album

A Shepherds Life

a shepherd amongst
clouds & grassy plain
hurry to your
hovel as evening
begins to fall
let the light
of starry night
story you to sleep

Gary Simmons

My Solo Work

  • A Shepherds Life

    A collection of piano pieces and musical sketches I recorded like a sound diary, during my work as a Shepherd. Recorded this summer, the album’s 12 tracks are titled and sequenced by the condition of the moment. A diary-like sound collection that provides an intimate snapshot of a Shepherds Life in the mountains.

  • Plenty of Time

    The present is there in the experience of nature. Anyone who experiences this mindfully is lifted into the time dimension of long duration, into an extended, stagnant moment, so to speak. The flowing stream of time is overcome and the idea of what eternity could mean is awakened. Supported by the beauty of nature, the mystery of all life is touched upon.

  • music for dancers (live)

    ..moving your body and dancing from the moment, from the impulses that come or are felt in that..

  • off world

    breath for a moment

  • Zeiten

    Originated from an aborted sound research about seasons and its observation of minute changes.

  • earth beats

    Earth Beats is an plea to preserve the Earth and its natural resources, born out of the urgency of the present situation.

    "Time slowed and all that existed was sound."

  • Norrland

    Wide starry nights, icy cold, snow storms and crackling footsteps.. Shining eyes. Frozen pods and beards and flickering northern lights..
    A forty-five minute sonic winter cure through the winter of the far north.

  • Nachtstücke

    n different autumn nights I explored on my piano the beauty and darkness of the night.After that i wrote eight poems to each of single track.

  • only the wind

    There are things that I cannot describe with words. I believe that if we had the ability to speak directly from the heart, we would be in a dream world of sincerity and true love.The atmosphere that surrounds this work goes beyond melancholy, the tenderness in each piece takes us into a warm space where the piano is the only companion and the narrator of this short story. The rings around my eyes were about to glow, maybe I have a weak soul, yes, but sincere.

“A magic wooden box which contains a precious treasure and the most amazing music you will ever hear: poetic, timeless and sensitive.”


A Sonic Experience through worlds of landscapes

  • Trough Worlds

    A half-hour sound story about my constant movement through landscapes this summer.

    Follow my diary-like Soundlogs through piano, field recordings and ambient to immerse yourself in a story on the move

  • A Shepherds Life

    A thirty minute Story about a thousand feelings, landscapes and lives in one day . That is what the work up there is all about. It is all there at once, incredible beauty, effort and brutality. The Sonic Story is connected to the album that will be released in October and yet is completely different - more experimental, more atmospheric, a sound diary full of field recordings about the life of a shepherd. By purchasing it you support me and the purchase of new shoes for next year.

  • Sarntaler Alpen

    This beautiful fading solitude over the mountains inspired me to this sonic story.

  • music for dancers (live)

    ..moving your body and dancing from the moment, from the impulses that come or are felt in that..

    A recorded live performance sonic story while hundred of people are dancing and moving to it.

  • Norrland

    Wide starry nights, icy cold, snow storms and crackling footsteps.. Shining eyes. Frozen pods and beards and flickering northern lights..

    A forty-five minute multilayered sound journey through the winter of the far north.

music for dancers